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Here is what we do as we serve in Canada – a quick explanation of our ministry role

What is the “why” for what we do? We are all called to make disciples – across the street, or across the globe.  Our desire…

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0 550

5 Steps – International Versions!

П’ять кроків до вічності Завантажте PDF-версію тут Five Steps From Eternity Ukrainian Translation Download PDF version here Ось перекладена панахида тощо

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0 703

Hamburger Soup

Modify ingredient amounts according to the size of pot you have, modify to taste, add, subtract etc it is a very flexible soup 20 min…

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0 2069

Published! “Five Steps From Eternity” is available

Praise the Lord, the book is published! Leanne shares in this short video how God led her to write our story. See below for links…

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0 1639

Thanks Logan, Dad & Mom for….

“I know Lanae was thankful. I mentioned this before—but oh how I longed for a “note” from her, that she would have left behind. God…

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0 1077

So how are we doing? #183 News & Notes

Grieving deeply….Rejoicing greatly A few months have already passed without our daughter here with us on this earth. April 13, 2022 will always be a…

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0 982

Lanea translated service

Ланея Шродер (Петко) 1994-2022 Ланея Шродер (Петко) 1994-2022 некролог ниже 15 апреля 2022 года (записка от Джона) Сейчас, когда я сижу, чтобы написать это, я…

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