Two phrases that we heard …..
a few months ago that have been going around in our heads
“Everything is a start-up. The game has changed, and reality is what it is”
“The Great Commission hasn’t changed due to a global pandemic”
Basically – the principle – the “why” – is still the same.
But the practice – the how – is changing significantly, at least for the foreseeable future.
Someone recently said“what was inconceivable three months ago is now conceivable. Thus what we thought was impossible may not be as impossible as we thought”. As followers of Christ, Leanne and I try to have the mindset that each day can be an adventure because it is in God’s hands and we have the opportunity to be involved in what He is doing. In these very interesting and challenging times that we live in, we are resolved to have that mindset as we go about our daily tasks. For you never know what God can do in the midst of whatever your day brings – the mundane, the joyous, the difficult and the interesting circumstances that we experience.
What’s around the corner…
This fall is going to be different, as we aren’t going to be able to be physically on various college campuses this year. But we still are going to be on the campuses – just virtually (like the photo above).
The fall ministry schedule is a work in process. The travels I (John) usually do to churches, schools and conferences are all very tentative now under the new circumstances. Lord willing some of these will be taking place, but we will see. In the meantime I am involved in a variety of virtual seminars and conferences that are taking place. I am finding that they take more prep time in some ways than an in-person session. Interesting challenges, helping us to grow and learn.
In the pipeline….
In the midst of these challenging times, it is very encouraging to share of news of progress! We have people going into long term cross cultural ministries. Praise the Lord!
- One family left this summer for long term ministry in Central Europe.
- Two young couples are in process of raising their support. One couple hopes to leave in the summer of 2021.
- One young couple and one single are both in application process.
Family Update
This summer was a bit different – no ministry travel overseas as per what has been the routine. So we were able to spend some time as an extended family down in the Crowsnest Pass area in Southern Alberta. Lanae & Logan were serving at the camp nearby and we enjoyed a few days of hikes and wandering.
We also spent time meeting with couples that we are coaching as they are in process of joining SEND for long term ministry (below) and projects around the house. It has been a full and interesting summer
The summer for Daniel has been a bit of a start/stop. It began with his graduation ceremony being cancelled and then morphing into a “drive thru grad”. Then the camp he was going to serve at most of the summer was cancelled. Mid August he was informed that the first semester of his year at the Bodenseehof Torchbearers school was postponed till January. So it has been kind of rough. Traditionally, I take the kids to school and we spend a few days along the way doing the tourist thing somewhere. That was the plan for Daniel also. So, since the time had already been booked off for travel etc, Daniel and I took a road trip out to Vancouver. We meandered, stopped, ate, took photos and just enjoyed the various sites and sounds of nature and the city. It was special time for both of us.
A few photos from the summer – and of course of our grandson
Thank you for standing with us in prayer and financial support. We know that these are not the easiest times for many, and we are thankful for how God continues to provide through the thick and the thin. Our ministry at present is not as “front line” as when we are overseas, but a very vital ministry none the less.
It can be put this way – if one is open, God can use you in people’s lives, no matter where you are. That is our prayer, that God would use us here, just as He has used us there. Lord willing, some day we will be back “over there”, but at the present time this is where we are, and so we seek to serve as we can..
So our prayer for you is just as it is for us, that God would use you where you are for the furthering of the Gospel and for His Glory
John & Leanne
Also, as you all well know, ministry doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It does take funds to make things happen. If you would like to partner with us with our monthly support or a donation towards our ministry expenses (project account), please use this form or give online here. All donations are tax-deductible. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions etc.
Social Media update
With our ministries continuing to expand and for ease of communications using social media with new contacts in our ministry roles, we have changed a few things with Facebook & Instagram. So if we show up on your feed or you are wondering if it is a legitimate request, please feel free to contact us through messenger etc.