Here are a few items for this month’s ministry and communications tips and tricks. If you find something that you find helpful, please send it my way.
Have fun
* A reminder that I find these from various sources and from a variety of backgrounds, so use and share with discernment.
How do you start your day?
How are you starting your day?
In the last while I was challenged about mindset – and how our mindset affects our attitudes and actions.
So I began to spend a few minutes each morning writing out 10 things I am thankful for. The first one that I thank God for every day is a variation of “I am thankful for this day that God has given me to experience the love of my Heavenly Father, His grace and mercy and that I can share it with others.” And then I write 9 more things that I am thankful for.
This, along with spending some time in God’s Word has really helped me to keep perspective in the midst of challenging times.
3 Rules for Writing Effective Articles
A 5 minute read on how to write more effectively (click on link for full article)
Rule # 1: Know who you write for and why
Rule # 2: Eradicate fear
Rule #3: Always pay attention to details
An effective article is an article that achieves its goal. Now, that goal can be anything: To entertain, inform, or persuade someone to act. The reason every piece of writing needs a purpose is that it’s difficult to get someone’s attention.
If a reader clicks your article (which is already rare), you have barely 15 seconds to hold their attention. You can say the same thing about emails or text messages. Just look at how you respond to any written form of communication. When an email doesn’t instantly grab your attention, you probably won’t even open it, right? Same thing with everything else on the internet. When you write effective texts, you’re always aware of the fact that most people will probably never even start reading your stuff. But that doesn’t mean effective writing is only about grabbing people’s attention. If that were the case, you could only write outrageous headlines. That’s not the hard part. The hard part is to grab someone’s attention and hold it.
Click here to finish the article
We all need to read – so how do we get proficient?
1. Don’t treat reading like a task
2. Read something every day
3. Place books in your line of sight
4. Click here to read the rest of the article