Dear precious Reader,
DEATH IS NOT THE END. IT IS THE BEGINNING. IT IS THE GATEWAY TO ETERNAL LIFE. IT IS OUR TICKET TO JESUS. He has prepared a place for us. It is our true home. If we have given our lives to God one day we will go HOME. We really have no idea, no comprehension, no ability to really imagine, what God has in store for those who love Him. It would be like someone trying to explain the world to a baby that hasn’t been born. It would be unexplainable.
Where is Lanae? She is not here. Not in Cochrane, not in Blind Bay, you won’t find her in Crowsnest Bible Camp—nor in sunny Ukraine. Nor is she tramping through the mountain passes—the heights of YoHo National Park—scaling, reaching. Nor skiing—wind flying past, down the powdered backcountry slopes. She is not here right now. Can I take a message? Later she will return your call. She’s busy right now—traveling on a trip—an adventure—to a place where she is amazed constantly—overcome by smiles, hugs, music, and celebration. She is in the vestibule—the foyer—the outer hall—in the presence of the groom—waiting for the wedding feast of the Lamb to begin. Who are the guests? All who have accepted God’s invitation and have been adopted into His forever family.
God’s plans for Lanae are not finished—the chapters of her forever book are not done. Many previews and trailers have been given to us in God’s living Word. I will hear that precious voice once again,
“Hi Mom! MOM! I can’t wait to show you… Oh! You’ll never guess who I met… MOM IT’S SO COOL!”…and off we will run together…and I at last will keep up.
If you are a praying person reading this right now, please pray that I and many others who are grieving tragedies—big losses—Will be able to let go of our grief, our pain, our confusion, our distrust, any unforgiveness we have in our hearts—that we will bundle up these painful emotions and place them in God’s loving care. Please pray we will receive joy, healing, forgiveness, freedom, peace, redemption, and resurrection. Jesus said whatever we loose on Earth is loosed in Heaven. May we cut the pain loose… and not retain the tragedy as something belonging to us—or we belonging to it. –Leanne
…from Lanae’s Journal July 21/21
“Jesus, You love to answer my prayers!”
This painting “First day in Heaven” by Kerolas Safwat, an Egyptian Christian, perfectly captures what Lanae would have done the moment she stepped into glory. No, it isn’t a painting of Lanae – it is actually inspired by a photo taken of a Canadian women’s soccer team member celebrating a win. But it sure looks like her doesn’t it? As the hymn writer penned “Oh the joy to see my Saviour’s face.” –John Paetkau

“…and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes;
and there will no longer be death;
there will no longer be sorrow and anguish, or crying, or pain;
for the former order of things has passed away.”
Revelation 21:4
Beautifully written. 🥰
thank you Rena!
Looking forward to the book.
Glad you are writing this story – a book – Lanae’s story.